GL Engine
- C++
- OpenGL
- Doxygen
- Sphinx
GL Engine is a real time graphics engine I built from scratch. It was built as a way of understanding how different lighting and shading algorithms work.

This has been an ongoing project since 2017, when I was first learning C++. I found a mentor through Reddit who guided me in setting up the project. With his help and the help of tutorials and documentation, I've slowly built it up to a fully working library that could be used for simple real time graphics applications.

Rendering Features
- Blinn master shader with texture maps, diffuse, specularity, roughness, etc.
- Normal mapping
- Parallax mapping
- Self illumination shader
- Multi-sampled, Percentage Closest Filtering (PCF) shadow maps available for all light types
- Shadow maps from multiple lights simultaneously
- Image loading for textures
- 2D text overlay
- Cubemap environments
Post effects
- Reinhard and exposure tone mapping of HDR output
- Deferred rendering
- Screen space ambient occlusion (Crysis implementation)
- HDR based glow effect

Scene Features
- Target camera for orbiting
- Free camera
- Orthographic camera
- Directional
- Point
- Spot
- Various parametric primitives
- Custom OBJ loader
Documentation is generated automatically on Read The Docs when ever a new commit is pushed. The process consists of two stages.
- Doxygen parses the documentation embedded in the C++ files
- Sphinx combines the output from Doxygen with custom templates in order to generate documentation in a format that Read the Docs recognises.

Future Improvements
- Currently the main blinn shader is hard coded in fragment and vertex shader files. In the future I want to create them dynamically so that only the requested features are included in any particular shader instance.
- Implement physically based rendering.
- Implement accurate real time fresnel calculations as described by Laurent Belcour at Siggraph2020.
- Better abstraction for scene objects, to separate them out from rendering objects.